10 de abril de 2014

Because it's trench time...

Es primavera y es la época de envolverse en una gabardina. Me encanta esta prenda y creo que podría tenerla en el clásico beige, en negro, en verde oliva y en azul marino. Llevo varias semanas tentada a comprarme una. Me gustan un poco amplias y que se diferencien en cierto modo de la típica gabardina anudada en la cintura. Me he probado varias. He tenido dudas. Y finalmente he decidido no comprármela por ahora. No se trata de que no me vea con ella ni nada parecido. Simplemente la cordura y el poco espacio en mi armario han pesado más en la reflexión. Digamos que en Shanghai la primavera dura muy pocas semanas. Hoy me he dado cuenta de que llevo sin ponerme un abrigo-abrigo desde hace casi un mes. Visto esto, los días de vestir una gabardina están más bien contado. Pero eso no quita con que os hable de esta prenda de entretiempo y que da para combinar de mil maneras.

Céline (Spring 2014)

It's spring and it's time for wrapping in a trenchcoat. I love this garment and I believe that I could have it in beige, black, olive green and navy. I've been tempted to buy one for several weeks. I like them a little bit loose and that they're in a certain way different from the classical trench tight on the waist. I've tried several on. I've been doubting. And finally I've decided to not acquire it by the moment. There's nothing to do with I don't see myself in it. It's just that sanity and the samll room in my closet have weighed more in this reflection. Let's say that spring last for very few weeks in Shanghai. Today I've just realized that I haven't worn a coat-coat since almost one month ago. Saying this, days for wearing a trenchcoat are quite counted. But that does not contradict me talking about and showing this in-between seasons garment, which is also very good to pair in a thousand ways.

Zara (SS 2014)

Acne Studios (Spring 2014)


Candice Lake

Candice Lake

Céline (Spring 2014)


From Brazil to Madrid

From Brazil to Madrid

From Brazil to Madrid

H&M -Conscious- (Spring 2014)


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